Everything We Want
Jessica Pollack
3rd Grade
It almost never rains in the winter in Florida. But it was raining that morning.

And that should have warned me that it wasn't going to be an ordinary day.
It poured all day and I sat in class with my wet hair dripping on my papers. I felt cold and miserable and angry at my Dad because I was late for school.

I was always late. He was always late. He'd probably be late picking me up at dismissal today, too.

But he wasn't. In fact, he was early. I was happy that I was leaving school until he told me why he was there. He got fired for always being late. I wasn't too happy about that especially when he told me we'd have to move. He tried to sound cheerful, but it didn't help much. "I found an ad in the paper for this new place," he said. "It said the apartment will be everything we want."

When we got to the apartment it didn't look so nice. There was a big pile of trash by the building. There were cracks in the wall everywhere. We decided the apartment did not fit its ad that it was everything we wanted.

"Look," my Dad said cheerfully. "There's a notebook on this coffee table. I know you're sad because we're moving. Why don't you keep this journal? I know you love to write."

That night I wrote in my journal, "I'm so sad and lonely. The only thing I want right now is a friend." The next morning when I sat down at the desk in my new school I heard someone say, "Hello. My name is Brittany. I'd like to be your friend.

What's your name?" I felt so happy I could hardly answer her. "Jessica," I told her. Even though I had just met her I felt like she was the best friend I'd ever had.
But when I came home I was still lonely. I wrote in my journal, "Even though I have a friend in school, I'm still lonely when I come home."

I couldn't believe it! The next day the principal announced that a kitten had been wandering around the school.

Nobody seemed to own it. She asked if anybody would like to have her as a pet. Almost everybody wanted the kitten, but the principal said I should have it because I was new in the school and didn't have many friends yet.

That night, with my new kitten, Diana on my lap, it just struck me. Whatever I wrote in my journal happened. It must be magical. I put Diana down and hurried to my journal, I was so excited I could hardly write the words.
"Jessica, her Dad, Brittany and Diana lived happily ever after."