Give your brain a workout! Learn something new and have fun too.

Check out these cool sites below:

Dealing with Feelings
How do you feel today? This educational site is filled with games, resources, a parent's guide and videos of kids talking about what makes them happy, sad, scared and mad.

Summer Safety Zone
Summer is here, and that means sunny days at the beach, long bike rides and family barbecues. This site provides valuable tips to help kids stay safe, including sun safety, water safety, hurricane safety and more.

There is plenty to do on this site! Have fun and learn something!

Go Girls
Discover new places, and people, share your thoughts and creativity. When you do, this site will be a showcase of all the wonderful things that girls can do. From Girl Scouts, USA for girls 5 to 11.

FEMA for Kids
Learn how to be prepared for disasters. Play games, read stories and become a Disaster Action Kid.

The Great Sparky
Let Sparky show you how to have fun while you are learning about fire and life safety.

ASPCA Animaland
A super site for kids who love animals. Play games, read interesting and heart-warming stories, explore animal jobs and learn how to properly care for pets. For kids ages 7-12 from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Games, jokes, interactive comics, a graffiti drawing area, facts about animals, homework links for children 4 to 13.


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Arthur Adventures from the Book of Virtues Cyberchase Liberty Kids Barney Angelina Ballerina Calliou Clifford the Big Red Dog Dragon Tales Sagwa Sesame Street