PBS TeacherSource materials are developed by trained and practicing educators.
In addition to having teachers create curriculum materials, PBS regularly seeks
educator feedback through surveys and focus groups and receives ongoing guidance
from the team of exemplary teachers who make up the TeacherSource Advisory Group.
The website contains more than 3000 lesson plans and activities.
at the Getty
The art education website of the Getty Museum of Art. The Getty provides a variety
of resources and services for K-12 teachers, including lesson plans that help
teachers integrate art into the classroom.
Academy Curricular Exchange
The Curriculum Exchange is an area where teachers can find a variety of free lesson
plans. The original group of 700 lesson plans came from the Columbia Education
Center's Summer Workshops. These lessons were done by a consortium of teachers
from 14 states dedicated to improving the quality of education in the rural, western,
United States, particularly the quality of math and science education.
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