Nuestros Niños: Bring Up Latino Children in a Bicultural World.
Rodriguez, Gloria
Filled with the latest research as well as personal anecdotes, songs, recipes
and games, Raising Nuestros Niños provides a rich cultural framework
designed to help you parent effectively and responsibly, as you pass along the
priceless gift of nuestra cultura. Rodriguez, an award-winning Latina in the field
of early childhood education (and a mother herself) presents this indispensable
reference for Hispanic parents and caregivers of children from birth to age twelve.
Child at Play Series
Segal, Marilyn
A creative and rewarding approach to playing with children.
Time and with Love
Segal, Marilyn
Sensitive, practical advice on play and care for preterm and handicapped children
in their first three years covers such subjects as nursing, feeding, and dressing;
interacting with siblings; coping with doctors; discipline; social skills development;
and tough decision-making. 50 photographs, resource guide, index.
for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5.
Shelov, Steven and Hannemann,
Developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Feeling Fine Programs, this
guide addresses parenting and medical concerns. A month-by-month guide to the
first year and a yearly guide for the 2-5 year period provide developmental milestones
and practical advice on effective discipline, optimal nurturing and child-rearing
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